Wednesday, August 5, 2015

To Grandmother's house we go!

My trip to Beaumont beat me up. Literally.

1. To having to break into my car through the trunk, ninja style, because I locked the keys in.

2. To pumping gas and something falling on my toe, crushing the entire big toe nail, gushing blood.

Even Scooby was totally over the trip.

Good times!! Lol.


Wednesday, July 29, 2015

21- Day Meditation Experience Day: 17

***I feel that if you give positivity, grace, good deeds...etc etc.. out, it will return. I was recently touched by a situation a friend of mine is going thru and felt honored to show my support. Even if it may have been very small. Love is what we need more of in this world.

***Thinking of others before myself. (And I'm still working on it daily!) I'm far from a pro at it. ;)

***I would like to start back on my gratitude journal. It held me accountable. I had to write down 3 people, things, whatever... I was grateful for everyday. I felt a positive shift in my life.


The Power of Positive Affirmations. Start NOW with my friend, Angela & her sweet baby boy on the way.

Dedicated to Angela Anderson & family:

"Repeated positive statements help you focus your mind on your aim. They also create corresponding mental images in the conscious mind, which affect the subconscious mind accordingly. In this way, you program your subconscious in accordance with your will."
I was scrolling through my news feed on FB & was instantly struck emotionally when I read this post from my high school friend, Angela, and her current situation below:

A post or 2 later she asked us if we would state the following affirmation- whenever, however, as much as possible:

"Every day in every way,     Anderson Ward is growing    bigger and stronger"


I have been in therapy before, several times, gone thru some VERY dark & scary times. Seeing this affirmation again (years later) brought a huge smile to my face. It brought back ground breaking, life changing, terrifying, and most importantly- conquering, successful memories. 

This affirmation was the first for me to EVER learn. When my therapist taught it to us, I at first, thought it was so pointless. But as Angela has said, there IS extreme power in SPEAKING the words and BELIEVING them is another step more profound. It goes along with the "Law of Attraction" but I won't make it complicated. Because it is actually very simple and easy. On the contrary, the energy it magnifies is incredible. 

Mine was, "Every day, in every way, I am getting better and better." Every day in therapy my therapist would have a big bowl of oranges in the center of the table and we would state our affirmation over and over. The scent to the oranges was aromatherapy for our mood. It was supposed to enhance it. (truth to that too) ;) Long story short.... I DID get better and better everyday and I  CONTINUE to get EVEN better, stronger, happier, healthier...etc daily. There IS power in these words. There is power in speaking positive over your life. The EGO defaults to everything that can go bad or wrong. Dig deeper to your true voice and let it be heard. Better yet- watch how it changes your life.

To whomever reads this...please say an affirmation for this sweet baby boy. Anything that can declare: positive, strong encouraging words for this angel to become everything he is destined to be. I believe his purpose in life has already started and he will fight the whole way, coming out BETTER than ever expected. He is destined to become great. 

Well sweet boy, it's out in the Universe now, working to your greatest favor! There IS power in positive thinking. Thoughts become Things. I am rooting for you, Anderson, the whole journey! Know you have a lot of love and support.  I have faith all will work according to his divine favor. Thinking of you too Angela! :) And Dad too! I'm proud and admire your strength. 

If you need anything do not hesitate for one second to ask. 


Tuesday, July 28, 2015

21- Day Meditation Experience Day: 16

Day 16 - The Hidden Secret of Being

“Walk as if you are kissing the Earth with your feet.” ― Thích Nhất Hạnh

In today’s meditation, we explore how the practice of gratitude reveals the hidden qualities of our awareness: wonder, joy, and beauty. As grace connects us to the hidden truths of Nature, we are really discovering the essence of our expansive liberated self.

Gratitude awakens these dormant gifts of our unlimited self and makes them powerful forces of positive change in our lives. As our self expands through gratitude, our concerns, anxieties, and insecurities become small and insignificant, while our experience of joy, freedom, beauty, and compassion continues to grow.


Every day, my Being seeks new ways to expand.


Ananta Swa Bhava
My true self has no limits or boundaries.


1. Write about something in your environment right now that you are grateful for, but have never fully recognized before. It could be something as simple as the satisfying click of the keys on your keyboard or the effortless way your chair swivels.

The apartment I live in. Where before it was small, now it is secure, it is cozy, it is HOME. :)

2. Remember a time when you were alone in nature, in which you felt unbounded and free. Elaborate on what that experience felt like.

Back in church camp when I was 14. Life just felt awesome. The hikes, the picnics, the prayer groups in sanctuaries in the middle of the woods. Nature brings you a close to home feeling.

3. Set aside two minutes right now to simply be – no words, no interactions, no activity. Feel your inner self expand, and afterwards write down what this experience was like.

It is wild how the 1st thing I realize is my breath. Like, "Whoah, I've been breathing all day and I just now noticed and gave full awareness to a whole inhale and exhale. And realized how important this awareness really is.



21- Day Meditation Experience Day: 15

Day 15 - Seeing the Big Picture, Becoming the Big Picture

“True wisdom is being able to say 'it is what it is' with a smile of celebratory wonder on your face.” ― Eric Micha'el Leventhal

Living in grace is for everyone, not just for those who feel called to a secluded life of prayer and devotion. Grace is everywhere all the time. To fully live in the state of grace only requires that we allow our true self to shine forth.

In today’s meditation, we learn that we attain this state by simply being it, which means we naturally and effortless live an open life of gratitude. That is how we become a complete person. We embody a life in grace by acting from a spirit of generosity and wholeness.


By living my wholeness, I become complete.


Om Purnam Idam
Individuality is wholeness.


1. Write down the names of anyone you have been more generous and kind toward in the last two weeks. Describe how these situations came to pass.

-my grandma
-my mom

2. Make a list of three circumstances in your life that you would like to be able to accept or surrender to. Most likely, these will be situations you feel the need to control or be in charge of. Write down how learning to find gratitude in the situation can help you let go or surrender.

-Not to worry about the future. Everything is going to be ok.

3. Now call to mind three experiences in which you were generous or able to surrender, and write down how that felt.

The job struggle. Letting go and letting be. Everything seemed to flow much more effortlessly



21- Day Meditation Experience Day: 14

Day 14 - Gratitude Brings Compassion

“We are all of one light on this one Earth, and loving humanity makes all the difference.” ― Michelle Cruz-Rosado

Today’s meditation shows us how expressing gratitude easily leads to compassion. We all know that to be spiritual we are supposed to be compassionate, but with all the negativity and injustice we see around us, it’s easy for our egos to feel justified being judgmental and critical.

However, when you find reasons to feel grateful to someone, you are bridging the gulf of separation between the two of you. You can’t be thankful and resentful at the same time. That connection you feel when you are thankful is your shared humanity – it is the ground of compassion. A compassionate heart is accepting and forgiving not only to others, but to yourself as well.


When I have no judgment, I see everyone with kindness.


Karuna Hum
I am compassion.


1. Write down the names of anyone with whom you don’t always see eye to eye with, but would sincerely wish to be kind to.

-my mom
-my boyfriend

But we have learned our differences and how to communicate much better.

2. For each person, write down at least one admirable quality you appreciate in them. Let that feeling of appreciation suggest a gesture of kindness you can make to them.

My mom- her zest for life even thru the bad times. It makes me want to enjoy the small things with her. Like shopping for a pair of shoes at Shoe Carnival. Simple stuff that means alot to her.

My boyfriend- Never complains when helping me. Whether it be drive to Galveston for my mom or drive me around several errands I need, he never complains and is more than happy to help. It makes me want to treat him to something special, unique that comes from my heart. A gesture to show my genuine appreciation for him.

3. For each of these people, write down something you share in common and how that can be a bridge of compassion. For example, perhaps you both have an elderly mother you worry about, or share a passion for a particular cause.

My mom- we both share in common a dear family member extremely close to both of our hearts. Her mother/my grandma. Due to current situations my mom and I are having to make frequent trips together to see this family member. It is in turn making my mom and I closer and appreciate each other more.

My boyfriend- We both are setting up life. Together. Thru the good times and bad. We learn and grow together. Definitely uniting.


4 movie recommendations...from Me!


Viewed: Netflix
Plot: ☆☆☆☆☆
Acting: ☆☆☆☆☆
Ending: ☆☆
Final Score: ☆☆☆☆☆ 
5 stars!

I LOVED IT. And literally watched it like 4 x in a row. Sigh.....


Viewed: Netflix
Plot: ☆☆☆☆☆
Acting: ☆☆☆☆☆
Ending: ☆☆☆☆
Final Score: ☆☆☆☆ 4 Stars!

I liked the suspenseful plot and twists. Nicole Kidman never fails. :)


Viewed: Netflix
Plot: ☆☆☆☆☆
Acting: ☆☆☆☆☆
Ending: ☆☆
Final Score: ☆☆☆☆☆ 5 Stars!

Based on true story. Phenomenal acting and incredible that this really happened. Sad, yet very moving & inspiring. Angelina Jolie was flawless.

#4) "WILD"

Viewed: Redbox DVD
Plot: ☆☆☆☆

Acting: ☆☆☆☆☆
Ending: ☆☆☆
Final Score: ☆☆☆☆ 4 Stars!

Reese Witherspoon was SUPERB in this film. I saw a very different side of her and she rocked it.


Chakra Cleansing & Activating Guided Meditation

21- Day Meditation Experience Day: 13


1) State your idea of personal success in terms of inner qualities.

-free to be YOU, express YOU, and follow your intuition

2) Name 3 moments in your life when these qualities were called upon & you showed them.

1. Simply not conforming to a very strict group of beliefs
2.Expressing myself wholeheartedly and instead of being attacked I actually inspired instead.
3. I've simply been and felt HAPPIER. :)


21- Day Meditation Experience Day: 12


1) Describe 3 ways divine love or grace supports your life right now.

I liked this definition:
{...Divine Love is that Love which belongs to or is a part of God, possessing His Nature and composed of His Substance, and which, when possessed by a human soul to a sufficient degree, makes him divine and of the nature of God ...}

1. tapping into the source thru meditation

2. By doing something for another person, even the smallest of thought or act

3. showing my Mother love and support

2) Write down any feelings you may have that suggest a lack of support from divine love. 

support groups, gathering with others, MAKING myself get involved. 

3) List active steps towards gratitude you can take to overcome your inner obstacles to divine love.

- reach out
-speak up
-repeat mantras
